Saturday, January 19, 2008

A "Messy" First Contest

We all know how life gets in the way of everyday "meant to's", i.e the phone call, the book read to your little one, organizing your photos, laundry, dishes, etc... So here's my first contest. Show me how much everyday life has interfered with your house cleaning. Submit a picture of your messiest room (it can be any room, or even the garage) just make sure it is a complete wreck! You MUST be in the picture (to make sure a random Internet picture is not submitted). I know that this contest doesn't apply to some people (Christine O., Jennifer S., Cathy C., Keri D.) but don't worry, there will be future contests that will apply to you "Neat Freaks"! The entrant with the messiest room/area will receive a free sitting (a value of $150.00). All entries must be received by January 26, 2008, so if you have a messy room, you can use this contest as an excuse to let it get a little messier before the contest deadline.

Send your entry sized no larger than 660 pixels to

Fine print rules:
If you are outside of Travis County travel fees will apply. Any images submitted must be taken on or after January 19, 2008. Submissions must be the sole property of entrant and entrant must have all rights to reproduce and distribute the photo submitted. Molly Boyd Photography will have the right to post any and all images submitted.

Good Luck!